The New Year Spirit

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The New Year Spirit

Little scorpicore entered the door of tavern. She was full of desire to have a little rest and to hear something interesting. But it was enough to glance at creatures in the tavern to understand, that having a rest was unreal. All citizens were too excited, and the air was full of chatters. Forgot about silly thoughts (“having a rest”; ha! it's not for me), scorpicore sat in the corner, and start listening, trying to understand what was the matter. Suddenly, loud noise was resounded and made all visitors silent. Sir Silver Lynx threw a big box to the centre of the hall and asked in trembling voice: “A bomb?”. Really, beautiful, wrapped into the sparkling paper and corded with chain box was ticking very threateningly. But scorpicore had already known, that it was the New Year present from Magisters. And lynx, surely, hadn't. He was very afraid of it, but only he, nobody else. So, scorpicore decided to wait for some time, to see further events. First, nothing interesting happened, sir Pool explained meaning of presents one more time, and lynx hid under the bar. Some minutes later, sir dArtagnan joined him, and they were sitting together under the bar, guarding their boxes. But next chatters were rather calm, despite of being about the same topic. The main problem was, of course: what can be inside. According to Magister's words, there could be anything, very good or very bad, and nobody knew, what exactly. Sir Onegogsan even weighed it and appreciated its value of about 5 or 6@. After that, said something vague about “generous  Magisters”, he put it aside. So, scorpicore decided to look around once more. And, of course, she saw a new attempt to open so curios box. But it was very interesting attempt, and young scorpicore had never seen such strange occurrence. Sir Volverston, a big and beautiful dragon, suddenly became very small and tried to get through the chink under the box' lid. But no result. Then he turned into the bat, but rather strange bat with phones in his ears. So, again no result! And scorpicore started to understand: it's impossible. Nobody would open the box until the New Year. And it's so interesting. It means, that New Year spirit won't disappear! And we will have real feast! So, everybody was looking forward the New Year, in meanwhile trying to open their boxes. And ogr Schnaps was running around the box and shouting: “Come out, angry gorgon! My know your in!” The feast was approaching.