HeroesLands of Might and Magic II
Final saves are accepted to
Final saves are accepted till
Results of tournament will be
Additional information
Tourney "Citadel of Heroes".
This tourney is played for SPEED (days) with which you're STARTING HERO -Саракин acquired 25th experience level. The point is not to pass the map and win (you don't need to win at all!), but to ACHIEVE EXPERIENCE LEVEL 25 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOR YOUR STARTING HERO. If two players achieved the needed 25th XP level at the same day, the winner will be the one, whose hero's the sum of primary skills is higher (attack+defense+spell power+knowledge) of any your hero is compared to the account of the put on artefacts.
This tourney is played without any bonuses, everyone must use the same starting save.
In-game time limit is 300 days.
Don't forget to mention in the letter your nick, the game's version, the tourney name and the map name.
Write in the letter your correct nick which has been chosen on registering.
Good Luck!.