Clans :: The Black Schooner

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The Black Schooner

Clan consists of

Charter of the clan
Clan - a command of the piracy ship « The Black Schooner », received  the certificate “Letters of Marque” from the leader of Underground Guild on an establishment of authority in the seas, washing the Earth heroic (mainly the second).

Letters of Marque

Sir Reiter, the knight of 3 Grounds, the chapter of Underground Guild.

To Sir Lovelass, the knight of 2 Grounds. A greeting.

For prevention of spiteful intentions and strengthening of authority of Underground Guild I, completeness of the authority, trusting in valour, bravery and fidelity of Sir Lovelass, appoint his captain. Also order to you in every way and means to protect Underground Guild from encroachments, and the first opportunity, using a wind and favorable weather to type a command and to leave for the sea for protection and protection of Vaults of Guild. Also I order to grasp all trading ships and to heat not obeyed (I order to participate in tournaments), and to stop all attempts to intrude Vaults on the part of the sea.

And all officials, officers and the seamen attributed on entrusted you a vessel, should obey you as to the Captain and to carry out all your orders.

And you should declare the mercy under the attitude to all inhabitants of the Grounds which will swear our Guild, and to give freedom to all slaves which will be on plantations.

And everything, that you can receive, passes in your full order, except for the tenth part which should be transferred in treasury of Guild. And if you will manage to grasp any port (feud) it passes in your order, but you are obliged to pay for him 100@ in treasury …

Structure of a command:

Sir Lovelass - the captain (the leader of a clan), the most skilled and courageous member of a command. Supervises over a vessel and a command during battle, makes a decision, when and the ship will go to what port.

Sir DeadLord -the quartmaster. Bears the responsibility for a condition of a vessel (a forum of a clan). His main task - distribution and supply of the various materials necessary by the ship, including gunpowders, and also performance of repair work, distribution of extraction and definition of punishment for had been guilty. Represents itself as the judge in disputes between members of a command and also at duels if they do not contradict the piracy code.

Sir Uranist - the gunner, the expert who is responsible for serviceability of guns, their readiness for shooting and also with own hand oders about their prompting during fight. The important problem êàíîíèðà - storage onboard a vessel of the weapon and all tool necessary for service of guns, gunpowders and shells, therefore in his conducting are a weapon room and a powder cellar.

Sir PHaRaoN - the navigator, the most skilled seaman perfectly knowing ëîöèþ and sea charts. From the navigator skill to use is required by various astronomical tools (editors of maps), it should expect a rate of the ship and carry out it in the most dangerous places during navigation. In conducting the navigator there are invaluable sea charts, navigating devices and ship hours.

Sir Ghostly Rider - the ship boatswain. Watches a condition of sails, tackles and a rigging, is responsible for storage of spare ropes, a repair tree, a canvas. His duties also include communication with other ships with the help of special signals, maintenance of the order among a command and the maintenance of boats, duplication of commands of the captain during fight or a storm. If necessary punishments of one of members of a command are played with a role of the executioner.

The Code of honour (11 precepts of the pirate):

1. Each of members of a command has equal rights at decision-making.

2. Each of members of a command is free to use with own hand stolen how to it will like, if only the command does not test famine or other deprivations.

3. The card play or on money is forbidden to a bone.

4. Pistols, sabres and other weapon should be kept clean and full readiness.

5. The one who will leave a vessel during fight, will be executed or landed on a desert island.

6. Fights by the ship (forum) are forbidden, duels on swords or pistols can pass only on coast.

7. If who or will decide to leave a command it should bring in the repayment at the rate of on 100@ on each of the rest and before to leave a command should find to itself worthy replacement.

8. If any of a command will show cowardice, will try to conceal from others a part of extraction or will try to escape, the command should land guilty on a desert island with a bottle of gunpowder, a bottle of rum, a bottle of fresh water and the charged pistol.

9. If any of a command will be convicted of larceny or DISHONEST GAME, it should be landed on a desert island only with the charged pistol.

10. If one of a command will strike another the offender needs punishment as 40 impacts by birches.

11. Who will shoot from a pistol, to smoke a tube or to light a candle at ship stocks of gunpowder, is punished by 40 impacts by  birches.