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Kiev. Report about the year 2006

Kiev. Report about the year 2006

The beginning of the Winter had happened to be warm. The Supreme Orc was sitting at the table, recalling and writing down the events of the last year. 2006 was, as always, rich on meetings and impressions. It was a shame that the Orc had so few recordings of those impressions. Well then... Let us at least recall what we can. :)


So... February 21, 2006. As always, the offline tourney winners have been rewarded on the occasion of Heroes Portal's Anniversary.

Results of the Heroes of Might and Magic II games in 2005.

Results of the Heroes of Might and Magic III games in 2005.

Results of the Heroes of Might and Magic IV games in 2005.

Sir MelVik - Master of Heroes Lands III tourneys in 2005 (Second place). The photo has been taken in Cheboksary (Russia).
Sir Deep Mike - Master of Heroes Lands II tourneys in 2005 (Second Place). The photo has been taken in Prokopievsk of Kemerovskaya obl. (Russia)

Unfortunately, other winners haven't sent us their photos with prizes, but you can be sure that all the rewards have found their Heroes. :)

And when the Summer came, all the citizens of Heroes Portal were longing for real meetings.

For example, Sir Twilight (Moscow, Russia) visited Kiev (Ukraine). That's how it was:

Wow, where am I? And who are all these beautiful Ladies?
More and more girls... Kirinyale just couldn't miss such a meeting.
And here they are! Navuchodonosor, Master of HMM2 offline tourneys in 2006, and Crag Hack, the champion of champions!
Traditionally, we've decided to go to the Zamkovaya (Castle) mountain. That's right in the centre of Kiev!
A heroic ascension onto the Zamkovaya mountain.
An ancient shrine... So, who wanna be sacrificed? Who's the fairest of them all?...
At the dusk, when the beer has been opened, the Supreme Magister Gorbik of Heroes Portal has appeared near the shrine and started to take everyone's photos with his camera...
And some of the monsters took revenge on him... Film steals the soul, they say... Or maybe the shame...
The meeting was over at the Dnipro riverfront... And what prevented YOU from being there with us this time?

There were also many other meetings, tourneys and other bright events in 2006 thanks to the project. But Orc decided not to describe them all, as it is always better to take part in a festival than to read about it!