С днем рождения, PHaRaoN!

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Sir phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Landless
HoMM V: Knight (1)
HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Emperor (28)
HoMM II: Knight (3)
HoMM I: Landless (1)
Messages: 5918
From: Russian Federation

Quote link С днем рождения, PHaRaoN! Added: 29.04.2011 05:41
Собственно вот... поздравляю!
Special status:
Tavern wiseman 2010Knight of the Round Table of the 10 convocationSilver Sponsor Portal 2011
Tavern wiseman 2011Legend of  "HeroesLands" in 2011Duelist year 2015
The leader of the overall ranking 2015Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2015Letters of "HeroesLands" in 2015
Tavern wiseman 2016Letters of "HeroesLands" in 2016
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Sir GepToR
+ +

HoMM V: Baron
HoMM IV: Marquis (16)
HoMM III: Landless (1)
HoMM II: Landless (1)
HoMM I: Count
Messages: 1887
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 29.04.2011 07:43

Присоединяюсь. C днём рождения, дракон!

Special status:
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands4" in 2012Author of the most beautiful map for HMM4Master offline tournament "HeroesLands4" in 2013
The best master\'s degree of year 2013Former MagisterMaster off-line tournament "HeroesLands 4" in 2014
Successors of Anduran
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Sir SuperStar
+ +

HoMM IV: Knight
HoMM III: King
Messages: 1561
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2011 07:51
С днем рождения, Сэр PHaRaoN!

Счастья Вам, здоровья и удачи!!!
Special status:
Cenzor mapsMarried SuperStar & Galaktika Gold Sponsor Portal 2011
Artist-Architect (HoMM-III)Mapper II levelGold Sponsor Portal 2012
Master Recipes "Cook Portal"
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Sir loom

HoMM VI: Marquis (8)
HoMM V: Baron (1)
HoMM IV: Count (1)
HoMM III: Knight (1)
HoMM II: Baron
HoMM I: Count (8)
Messages: 8781
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2011 08:23
С Днем Рождения!
Special status:
MagisterÌaster offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2009The best master\'s degree of year 2011
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands6" in 2012Legend of  "HeroesLands" in 2012Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 6" in 2013
Grand master of-online tournament "HeroesLands 6" in 2014Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2020Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 5" in 2021
Order of the secret Pentagram
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Sir Werky
+ + + + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Baron (3)
HoMM II: Marquis (9)
Messages: 5308
From: Ukraine

Quote link Added: 29.04.2011 09:06
Мои поздравления
Special status:
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2009Победитель серии турниров "Ожерелье Клеопатры"Legend of "HeroesLands" in 2010
Diplomatist of "HeroesLands" in 2011Former MagisterDungeon Keepers
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Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince (24)
HoMM I: Prince (36)
Messages: 862
From: Bulgaria

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 06:15
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
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Sir Registr

HoMM V: Landless (1)
HoMM IV: Count (6)
HoMM III: Prince (22)
HoMM II: Prince (12)
HoMM I: Marquis (7)
Messages: 1935
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 09:03
С Днём Рождения!!!
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2010Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2010
Legend of "HeroesLands" in 2010Master offline tournament "HeroesLands4" in 2010Knight of the Round Table of the 10 convocation
Main Tavern Drunkard 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2015Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015
Specialist of off-line tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2015Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2019
Hand of Light
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Sir Zlatovlas
+ + + + + +

HoMM III: Prince (20)
HoMM II: Landless (1)
HoMM I: Landless
Messages: 1101
From: Norway

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 13:41
Поздравляю с Днём Рождения, радости побольше в игре и в жизни!
Special status:
MagisterBronze Sponsor of Portal 2017Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2017
The best master\'s degree of year 2019Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2020Flame
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Sir PHaRaoN
+ + +

HoMM III: Count (2)
Messages: 590
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 14:34
Спасибо Вам огромное. Очень приятно !!!
Special status:
The Black Schooner
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Sir Dart NeoEdik
Dart NeoEdik

HoMM VI: Landless
HoMM V: Landless
HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Baron (1)
HoMM II: Landless
HoMM I: Knight
Messages: 1269
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 14:39
С Днем Рождения Шахтера!!!)))
Dart NeoEdik
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Sir Symphony Messes
+ + +
Symphony Messes

HoMM III: Duke (35)
Messages: 2191
From: Ukraine

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 15:28
С Днем Рождения! birthday
Symphony Messes
Special status:
Cenzor mapsMaster offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2016
Legend of "HeroesLands" in 2016Chempion III Lands - 20183-d Paladins’ Gonfalon
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Sir Reiter
+ + +

HoMM VI: Knight (1)
HoMM III: Emperor (19)
Messages: 3621
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2017 20:05
Сэр Symphony Messes, 29.04.2017 15:28
С Днем Рождения! birthday
Присоединяюсь :)
Special status:
Former MagisterMaster off-line tournament "HeroesLands 6" in 2014The best master\'s degree of year 2015
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2016The best master\'s degree of year 2016
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Lady Stillness De La Kutuale Hell
+ + + +
Stillness De La Kutuale Hell

HoMM VI: Amazon
HoMM V: Queen
HoMM IV: Queen (1)
HoMM III: Queen (4)
HoMM II: Marquise
HoMM I: Countess
Messages: 3482
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 30.04.2017 15:26
Stillness De La Kutuale Hell
Special status:
MagisterKnight of the Round Table of the 3 convocationleading of literary contests
Letters of "HeroesLands" in 2017The best master\'s degree of year 2017Master offline tournament "HeroesLands4" in 2017
Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 3" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands4" in 2018Best player among girls in 2018
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Sir ctpatim
+ + + +

HoMM VI: Landless
HoMM V: Baron
HoMM IV: Count
HoMM III: Count
HoMM II: Count
HoMM I: Count
Messages: 96
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 4.05.2017 07:18
С Днём Рождения!
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Sir Tomass
+ + + + +

HoMM III: King (32)
HoMM II: Baron (5)
HoMM I: Knight (5)
Messages: 1525
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 29.04.2019 16:19
birthday С Днём Рождения! cake
Special status:
Silver Sponsor Portal 2016Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2016Gold Sponsor Portal 2017
Legend of "HeroesLands" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2017Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
The leader of the overall ranking 2017Duelist year 2017Master offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2018
The leader of the overall ranking 2018Gold Sponsor Portal 2018
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Sir PHaRaoN
+ + +

HoMM III: Count (2)
Messages: 590
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 29.04.2019 17:30
Сэр Tomass, 29.04.2019 16:19
birthday С Днём Рождения! cake
Спасибо. Очень приятно )))
Special status:
The Black Schooner
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Sir S.E.T.
+ + + +

HoMM III: Marquis (10)
Messages: 506
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 29.04.2019 18:29
Дорогой Сэр PHaRaoN,

поздравляю с Днём Рождения славного Лазуря!

Примите скромный дар , чтоб пополнить коллекцию новой побрякушкой. Да и чтоб помнили не забывали, что на ближайший ОТ намечена у нас шахтёрская сеча!
hiddenСкрытый текст

С уважением,

Changed 29.04.2019 18:30 by user S.E.T.
Special status:
MagisterLetters of "HeroesLands" in 2017Duelist year 2018
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands3" in 2019Flame
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Sir Mullich
+ + + +

HoMM III: Count (2)
Messages: 214
From: Ukraine

Quote link Added: 29.04.2019 19:15
Сэр PHaRaoN, поздравляю с Днём Рождения! :)
Special status:
Tavern wiseman 2019Tavern wiseman 2021Tavern wiseman 2022
Tavern wiseman 2024Flame
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Sir PHaRaoN
+ + +

HoMM III: Count (2)
Messages: 590
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 30.04.2019 02:44
Сэр S.E.T., 29.04.2019 18:29
Дорогой Сэр PHaRaoN,

поздравляю с Днём Рождения славного Лазуря!

Примите скромный дар , чтоб пополнить коллекцию новой побрякушкой. Да и чтоб помнили не забывали, что на ближайший ОТ намечена у нас шахтёрская сеча!
hiddenСкрытый текст

С уважением,


Сэр Mullich, 29.04.2019 19:15
Сэр PHaRaoN, поздравляю с Днём Рождения! :)

Special status:
The Black Schooner
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